Microsoft Store 0x80072EFD error
Items to check for 0x80072EFD error in either Windows 10 or Windows 11
Make sure you are able to access the Internet from your browser, if not check if your Internet service is down.
Open Control Panel, Internet Options, Connections tab. LAN settings button, make sure Automatically detect settings is checked. If this is checked proceed to the next item, if it was not checked see if checking and choosing OK has fixed your problem.
Settings, Apps, Installed Apps – Microsoft Store if you do not see that look for System Components (Windows 11), then choose … from Microsoft Store, Advanced Options. Scroll down to Repair button to repair Microsoft Store – try it again after the repair completes. If it is still not fixed choose Reset button, when Reset is finished try opening again. If not fixed move on to the next fix.
Repair Windows Update, go into Settings, search Troubleshoot open Troubleshooting and choose Other troubleshooters choose Windows Update and click Run. Restart and see if Microsoft Store is working. If not fixed move on to the next fix.
Check Antivirus software or separate Firewall applications, remove and re-install. Check for network driver updates for your wireless or wired Ethernet interface.