Useful Browser Keystrokes

The most common issue people run into with their web browser is that it will load old cached content or pages.

To reload page fresh from the website instead of the cache do the following

Hold down Shift key and press F5 or click Refresh button (Windows and Linux)
⌘ + Shift + r (Mac)

Hold down Shift key and press F5 or click Refresh button (Windows and Linux)
⌘ + Shift + r (Mac)

Hold down Ctrl key and press F5 key or click Refresh button (Windows and Linux)
Ctrl + Shift + r (Mac)

⌘ + Option + r (Mac)

Other useful keystrokes for each browser can be found below.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Google Chrome

Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Edge

Keyboard Shortcuts for Mozilla Firefox

Keyboard Shortcuts for Apple Safari on Mac