Windows 10 October 2018 Update released 10/2/2018
Microsoft released their latest update for Windows 10 known as Windows 10 October Update 2018 at 10/2/2018 4:30pm CST. This update improves the security of Windows 10. It adds more inking features for Windows and Office 365 – PowerPoint. The new Your Phone app will allow an Android phone to share photos and messages with Windows. Currently sharing webpages is possible in the iPhone with more features to come. Timeline on the Phone allows you to see the recent items you have been working on in Windows – this feature is still coming for Android and iPhone, I also believe it requires OneDrive for getting to files. Edge has many learning features to help people with ways to view pages in other ways to more menu items. One new feature in Edge allows you to print pages without advertisements. New clipboard feature that tracks recent items you have copied and to copy them from one device to another. A new version of the clipping tool – Snip and Sketch, but the old Snipping tool remains for now. Additional improvements in Mixed Reality features. New Emoji keyboard accessible by Windows Key + “.”
Learn about the new features in the October Update
What is new in the October Update for IT Pros
10/6/2018 – Microsoft pauses rollout of Windows 10 October Update 2018
issues from the update include the loss of files, and an Intel Display Audio driver update that is needed from Intel.